Monday, November 17, 2014
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Our beautiful world
Before we were created,the world was there waiting for use to love it and care for it. The world is such a beautiful place,with so many wonderful gifts such as the stars, forests, oceans etc.The world is us and we are the world.We live in it, but it also lives in us.As humans we need to take care of it, because if we don't well we will kill it, as we would kill our self.

Nature can be sometimes mean to us, but aren't we mean to her? With only just a little grain of sand we put to help, the world would be better and better and better.Life is about caring and loving for each other, why cant we be grateful for what we have, i guess we will but when we do it will be to late.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
We need to know that our world is changing, and in order for us to prepare our or future children for this new world,we definitely need to change the way we educate them. The 21st century educators must create a type of curriculum that will help students connect with the world and to make them understand the issues that our world faces.
If they do this some schools in the 21st century will become nerve centers, it will become a place for students and teachers to connect with those around them and their community. Teachers in this new environment will become less "teachers" and become more instructors of information, giving children and teens the ability to turn knowledge into wisdom for future issues.
Movies are an art were you can identify with some characters. In every single movie that you see there's always some person that you say " wow he acts just like me". however as an actor, for them is a way that they can become some one that they never imagine becoming.
Something that makes movies so interesting is that they have magic power that let people get involve in fiction,they make dreams come true, forever and true love,adventure, terrible environments and so on and maybe you are the type of person that likes to imagine it self to the character in the movie,every breath the character takes,all it seem to happen around,and clearly sensible to everything.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Britt Nicole
Britt as a singer is a very talented of my favorite songs of her is GOLD, this song is about that as a human you are special and to God you are more than gold, you are his creation.What else can i say, well she is like my hope to music.we i was younger i was such a fan like a huge fan of Katy Perry to me she was amazing, but once God opened my eyes, i knew the truth behind her fame (Illuminati) i knew that as a christian my self that wouldn't help or build me more on my faith. since that day i search for real singers so i found her and her music was perfect.
soo i'm going to but a link of one song
Sunday, October 19, 2014
The Media
The media is a world communication on which we use object such as movies, news,radios and much more. we use media to express our feelings our even the news of our country, island, city etc. we use media networks to connect to others. If we go back to the past media has always existed, when there was no TV or radios humans used fired, drawings and the oldest one talking, we all know that in the beginning of humans civilization, the only ability we had was to transmit messages and feelings to a person by which we used and still use stories, myths etc.
we can actually feel proud of what we have accomplish, from using fire to using phones, Skype, Facebook and all the networking that exist. Is really amazing if you think about it, however we see now days that all this media is making us zombies, why zombies well, usually as a teen my self is more easy to talk to some one trough the phone or Facebook than talking to that person. All this media is making us numb, if you go to a restaurant you will see a lot of people using there phones and not talking we can include kids here, we see them with tablets or i pads. we need to talk more to say hi or to even smile, that's what makes use especial.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Marriage is known as the process on which two people make their relationship public and permanent. Is when you make a pact to love your soul mate and to care for him/her your entire life. Marriage is now days a universal culture. This is a relation. According to H.M. Johnson, “Marriage is a stable relationship in which a man and a woman are socially permitted without loss of standing in community, to have children”.
Now this days we see teens with children and they aren't even married. we have lost the meaning of marriage, this is important, we need to show future teens that having kids outside of marriage is one way of breaking your goals and future dreams. Marriage is the start of a family. In some cultures teen girls have a man to maried when they are born for example in egypt or even in africa . In some Western countries, their marriage is known as a contract for their life.
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Religion is know from the intellectual power of man in response to certain felt needs. Most people consider religion as universal and therefore, a significant institution of societies. It is the foundation on which they structure there society stands.It is the social culture that deals with sacred things, that lie beyond our knowledge and control. It has been an influence upon political and economic aspects of life. It is said that man from the earliest times had been religious. Hinduism and Buddhism; Confucianism, Taoism and Shinto (Chinese-Japanese religions) Judaism, Christianity, Islam (Semitic religions), etc. are examples of the great religions of the world.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
We all know that war is the biggest disease Of all time.War is a evil catastrophe of all human history.It brings death, butchery, starvation, destruction etc. Some people think that war is about defending our nation that war is about being heroic and brave. Being brave in( my opinion ) Is not being a killer. We all know that they are savages that need to be stoped and that war sometimes is useful but i think we can do something different to stop it.
Fight is an instinct to protect our home to bring peace. As a human we all by sometime have a feeling that is to envi our neighbors now this may be the cause of some war , could be by gold, diamonds or even oil.war like i said in the beginning is a desease of all times.
Friday, September 19, 2014
However we can reduce deaths from accidents and murders if we all fight for was correct and for justice, that will not be easy, but if we all put a grain we will make it. Death today is so common, we turn on the TV and the first thing you see are the news and the only thing they report is death. I actually remember a report which held that only one death occurred in the week (in this case murder) they were so happy about it, but a death is a death and it is not for celebration. if we all changed that image that death it's something that does not matter. I think everything can change.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Most of us probably won't need a formal definition of happiness; we know it when we feel it, and we often use it to describe a positive emotions, like joy, pride, sadness, and gratitude.Being happy or happiness is good for our health: Happy people are less likely to get sick. Being happy is good for our relationships: Happy people get married and they have more friends.Happy people are more productive at work and they usually make more money. Happy people are more generous and kind.Happy people cope better with stress and trauma.Happy people are more creative.
The purpose of life is to become and be happy. it doesn't matter what country or society people live in, they all have the same deep desire: to be and become happy. Happiness is a goal for every single day we live.Now the question is are you ready to be happy no matter what? if you said yes than go and do it, theres no time to a song i heard " don't worry be happy ".
to finish here is a video about what is happiness. ENJOY!
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Hello, and welcome to my blog. In this blog im going to talk about the diferent themes the profesor gave me , like for example love, war, a celebrity, movies etc.I will blog about how i feel about this themes,of how can i change or make it better.
However i wish there could be a theme about music or even ukuleles, i love ukuleles. I really hope you can enjoy and have fun on my blog. It's not going to be a boring old blog but a place that you can identify your self with.

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